Friday, October 10, 2008


Sorry for the gap between posts as I am very busy with school and when i do get on it crashes. It is a very unsequre network. I will try harder to get on when ever possible. Tons of stuff to talk about. Sick to a lesser extent now. Still unable to go to school 3 of 5 days. but i hope i am getting better. Saal and rose brought simon The Settlers of Catan for his birthday. I t is a very addicting game
we are trying to get graham to bring the extention along with 50 punds of other stuff. School mis going well and i hope the corpral punishment is over. Sister is hoping that the teacher has left. I am hoping to. it leaves a very wierd feeling in your stomach. I am glad that that is over. The resort was wonderfyl. Please read my post on the snnorkelling
like one post back.
sy is good and so is all of us. Graham arrives on sunday so i cant wait to see him
i am planning a nice relaxing weekend to just chill out.
talk to you all soon

1 comment:

VictoriaD&D said...


Great writing. Glad you're over your magic mushroom class anti-malarial hallucinations. Very cool description of your reef and sailboat adventures. If Harper gets elected, he'll reintroduce corporate punishment so get used to it. ( Just kidding :-). Seriously hope that it stops but it may unfortunately be par for the course in that region. Happy soccer, snorkeling and biking! Love to all your tribe from the Fernwood Victorians.
