Sunday, November 23, 2008

From Amani

We have just got back from an awesome weekend at Amani Nature Reserve. We stayed at this campsite way up on the top of a cliff. We did a lot of walks in and around it and then a night walk on Saturday night where we saw camelons, large crickets, stickbugs and tree frogs. It was very cool to look in close at a chaemelons. Alex and Emily’s tent is in worse condition then it was in Peponi. Two poles have now broken. We only ate dinner at the lodge and brought up all our own fixings from breakfast and lunch. The two Irish girls stayed down in Amani village at the rest house there. They then met us for the night walk. The road up was not as bad as first though and our residence permits saved us $85!!!! We only ahd to spend 5000 shillings instead of $30 each person.
We have a Catan game scheduled for 7:30 tonight with the medical students for our usual Sunday night Catan. Mom has arrived safely in Toronto and has now visited her Dad. We will send usdates as we get them.
Just a little one for now
Talk soon.

1 comment:

Sally and Rose said...

Played Catan online again Friday night and managed to lose with 8 points this time. Victory is surely within my grasp! I watched a knights and barbarians game for a bit but I'll need to review the rules to understand how it's played. You can place knights and expand your cities and at apparently random moments, barbarians attack. Looks like fun.